Take the work-at-your-own-pace Email Marketing Starter Kit Course

How to Create a Freebie to Grow Your Email List

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I'm Brandi

Founder and CEO of Brandi Allen Marketing (aka BAM)

I work with health coaches that want to make a difference in women’s lives, ditch the hustle, and still have a thriving, profitable business, all while maintaining balance in their own lives. 

My team can help you do this with a curated marketing strategy, monthly content calendars and copy written and delivered in your unique voice and style. 




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How to Create a Freebie Your Audience Actually Wants

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve either been told you need to create a freebie, opted in for several freebies yourself, or, most likely, fall under both categories.

So you’re definitely familiar with the term “freebie” but are taking advantage of the opportunities offering a freebie can bring you in 2023 and beyond?

In this post, we’ll talk about:

  • Why using a freebie to grow your email list is so important
  • How you should go about creating a freebie
  • My quick tips and hacks for creating a freebie your audience won’t want to pass up

Why is Having an Email List Important in 2023?

If you don’t have an email list, at least started; now is the time. It’s ok if you only have 1000, 100, or even ten subscribers…Because guess what? We ALL were at those numbers at some point.

The important thing is to start and get in the habit of reaching out to your subscribers at least biweekly (although I recommend weekly).

Here’s why!

Email Lists Give You Freedom From Social Media Platforms

I can’t tell you how many health coaches I talk to who have, at some point or another had their content flagged, their Instagram hacked, or have been shadow banned.

It’s a helpless, tragic event because you’ve put all your energy into building a community of thousands or tens of thousands of women, and now you can no longer reach them.

Don’t wait to fall victim to the unfortunate possibility of losing your online audience altogether.

Now while you have their attention, invite them to join your list.

You’ll have more freedom to speak as yourself, and even if you get kicked off social media tomorrow, you won’t have to start from zero. You will still have those contacts.

Newsletters Create a Sense of Community

When you write a newsletter, you’re addressing it to an individual, not a following. This creates a sense of community with your subscribers, and you reward them with helpful tips and lasting value.

They’ll also get exclusive access to events your hold or sales you have. It makes your readers feel special and not like they’re just another number on your follower list.

Increases Your Revenue

Email marketing has the highest return on investment. Once it’s set up, it takes very little time or money to maintain, and your clients will be more likely to book calls or make direct purchases from these emails than from a social media post or a blog post.

How to Create a Freebie to Grow Your Email List

A freebie is a free piece of content in exchange for an email.

There are countless freebie types but here are just a few health coach-specific options:

  • Daily Habits Checklists
  • Meal or Workout Planners
  • Mindset Workbook
  • Mini Guide as a Prequel to a Course
  • Online Quiz
  • Cookbook
  • Workout Trial Video
  • Access to a private online community

Canva is a really great tool to give your freebie a professional, on-brand look.

The Easiest Way to Create a Freebie Your Audience Can’t Resist

Look to your audience if you’re unsure where to start when creating a freebie. What are their biggest pain points? What do they need to kickstart their wellness journey? What content has already performed well?

You can then repurpose previously published content into one of the above forms and offer it to your followers.

Here we are all about letting our audience tell us what they need and letting content do the work for us! I highly recommend health coaches take the same approach.

If you want to learn more about building your email list, the benefits of email marketing, and the easiest way to create content that converts to sales, join the Health Coach Collective Facebook Group and sign up for the newsletter!

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Email List Building Guide

Health and Wellness Edition

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