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How to Create a Freebie to Grow Your Email List

How to Create a Freebie Your Audience Actually Wants Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve either been told you need to create a freebie, opted in for several freebies yourself, or, most likely, fall under both categories. So you’re definitely familiar with the term “freebie” but are taking advantage of the opportunities offering a […]

How to Repurpose Content from a Blog Post

How to Repurpose a Blog Post in 2024 Repurposing a blog post or article is a great way to work smarter, not harder. There’s no reason to rewrite and replan content for every platform. Starting with a blog post is a great way to plan and create content for other platforms simultaneously. Plus, long-form content […]

The Pros and Cons of Email Marketing for Digital Coaches in 2023

Coaches need to enter your email for practically everything they do online now. Want to pay your credit card? Get a digital freebie? Watch your favorite series? Buy a scarf? Then most likely, you’ll be asked for your email. If you’re like me, most of the email lists you sign up for or accounts you […]

What is Keyword Stuffing, and Why Should Health and Wellness Websites Avoid it?

You’ve probably heard a lot about the importance of SEO, keywords, and keyword research. If you own a health and wellness business, you may even be guilty of keyword stuffing (GASP!). You might think, “If I want to rank on Google as ‘the best nutritionist in the greater Detroit area,’ then I should use words […]

Top 10 Ways to Build Your Email List for Free

Your email list is a powerful tool to reach potential clients and to build a strong rapport. You see the benefits of it, and you’ve already written up a few emails to welcome your current subscribers. But how can you reach more people and encourage them to sign up for your newsletters? Here are my […]

Should You Put Prices on Your Website?

I have a secret to share with you. I’ve added and removed, and then re-added my pricing on my website countless times. It’s a little ridiculous how much time I’ve spent weighing the pros and cons of listing my prices and then editing my website over and over. I’m sharing this inner struggle with you […]

Why Do I Need an Email List?

The power of email is easy to forget when we have other, and dare I say, more exciting ways of connecting with our audience. TikTok, Reels, Stories, and whatever else you kids are into these days hold our attention for hours. Doesn’t it make more sense to focus your efforts on social media, primarily video, […]

How I Quit My Day Job and Became a Fulltime Agency Copywriter

To be honest, I loved writing in High School. But when it came time to choose a college and career, being a writer seemed like a pipe dream. Most likely, it was because I thought to be a successful writer, I needed a beach house and a typewriter and some sort of sponsor that would […]

The Benefits of Outsourcing Digital Marketing as a Wellness Professional

As you continue to grow your practice and gain more clients, you continually invest more time and energy into your business. As is true with all small businesses, you will get to a point as a wellness coach where you can’t continue to do it all on your own. DIY is a great way to […]

Do You Really Need SEO?

If you have a website, you’ve most likely heard the terms SEO, SEO strategy, improving SEO, etcetera. What does it mean, why is it so important, and how can it help healthcare specialists specifically? What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When done correctly, it brings the right audience to your website, organically, […]