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How to Write a Great Marketing Email: Drop the Formalities

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I'm Brandi

Founder and CEO of Brandi Allen Marketing (aka BAM)

I work with health coaches that want to make a difference in women’s lives, ditch the hustle, and still have a thriving, profitable business, all while maintaining balance in their own lives. 

My team can help you do this with a curated marketing strategy, monthly content calendars and copy written and delivered in your unique voice and style. 




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How to Write a Great Marketing Email: Drop the Formalities

How to Write a Great Marketing Email: Drop the Formalities

Emails can be a huge part of your marketing when you drop the formalities. If you’re like me, you probably get a lot of emails every day from different brands and businesses. Some of them are boring, some of them are annoying, and some of them are just plain weird. But every once in a […]

Emails can be a huge part of your marketing when you drop the formalities.

If you’re like me, you probably get a lot of emails every day from different brands and businesses.

Some of them are boring, some of them are annoying, and some of them are just plain weird.

But every once in a while, you get an email that makes you smile, laugh, or even reply.

An email that feels like it was written by a real person, not a robot. It speaks to you in a friendly and casual way, not a formal and stiff one.

That’s the kind of email that I want to talk to you about today. The kind of email that can make a huge difference in your email marketing strategy. The kind of email that drops the formalities and gets personal.

Why should you drop the formalities in email marketing?

It adds trust

When you write an email as if you’re talking to a friend, you create a connection with your reader.

You show them that you’re not just trying to sell them something, but that you care about them and their problems.

It tells them that you’re human, just like them. And that builds trust, which is essential for any relationship, especially online.

It sounds like you

One of the biggest challenges in email marketing is to stand out from the crowd.

There are so many emails competing for attention in your reader’s inbox, and most of them sound the same.

But when you drop the formalities and write in your own voice, you create a unique and memorable impression. You show your personality, your style, your humor, your values. You show what makes you different from everyone else.

And that makes your reader more likely to remember you and open your emails.

It makes it sound like you’re talking to a friend

This is the ultimate goal of email marketing: to make your reader feel like they’re having a conversation with you, not reading a sales pitch.

When you write in a casual and friendly way, you invite your reader to engage with you. You make them feel comfortable and relaxed. You make them feel like they know you and like you. And that makes them more likely to trust you, listen to you, and buy from you.

So how do you drop the formalities in email marketing?

– Use contractions. Don’t be afraid to use words like “don’t”, “can’t”, “won’t”, etc. They make your writing sound more natural and conversational.

– Use slang and colloquialisms. Don’t be afraid to use words and phrases that people use in everyday speech, like “hey”, “awesome”, “no worries”, etc. They make your writing sound more fun and casual.

– Use humor and emojis. Don’t be afraid to make jokes and use emojis in your emails. They make your writing sound more lively and expressive.

– Use personal pronouns. Don’t be afraid to use words like “I”, “you”, “we”, etc. They make your writing sound more personal and direct.

– Use questions and feedback loops. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and invite feedback from your readers. They make your writing sound more interactive and engaging.

Of course, dropping the formalities doesn’t mean being unprofessional or disrespectful.

You still need to be clear, concise, and courteous in your emails. You still need to provide value and solve problems for your readers. You still need to have a goal and a call to action in your emails.

But by dropping the formalities and getting personal, you can make your emails more effective and enjoyable for both you and your readers.

So go ahead and give it a try.

Drop the formalities in your next email campaign and see what happens.

You might be surprised by the results.

You can learn more about Email Marketing tips for beginners in this blog post!

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